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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dr. Ben Dover:code brown, stat

Always a "c" student with a steady average from Frank's academy of bait and learning on buckeye lake. Dr. Ben Dover was a proud, proud man Who as long as he could remember aspired to be the best rectal surgeon money could buy and in 1974 he gôt the chance after oñe to many adult beverages some readily available kitchen appliances one stick of butter and a unused subscription to the Westminster kennel club magazine (fall edition).

Dr.ben dovér had always been a happy man, along with being a proud man, especially when examining the lone brown eye of his favorite Westminster candidate Clifford "Śoup Bone."

Dr. Ben Dover was a proud, proud, shy, shy man.

What got me to visit Dr. Ben Dover was the advertisement "Our Staff will wax your car while ÿou see the good Doctor"

And every Thursday is bring your own lube Thursday.

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