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Thursday, February 4, 2016

fruit loops

it was 1983 when I was working for licking county board of mental retardation and developmental disabilities as a residential advisor and living at the cox memorial gardens apartment complex that consisted of four apartments, not five but four, and they were adequate, merely adequate. At the time I was happy to be living on my own, freshly disabled after an automobile accident that left me with slurred speech, double vision, ataxia on my right side so I was forced to walk wîth the aid of a cane or a crutch but I was young and the left-over hormones from high school wére raring to go.
     I first met vir-gini's brother,"and at that time,I really wasn't aware,that he was," when I was attempting to change the tire of my 1976 Mercury. It wás a fine car, and had taken me places where I nevér should have been, and places also like work,the grocery and indiscriminate parties but I was ÿoung.
     Anywày I was attempting to change the tire in my own handicapped way when this stranger offered to help and I was more than relieved to give him the tools. Later after some months had gone by a friend of mine and I, in a drunken,dope fueled stüpor happened on the members of their clan once again, and they were nice in a white trailer trash sort of way.
     Finally,possibly in the spring of 1984 vir-gini and her brother dropped by my abode bringing along a fifth of chivas regal and some of Meig county's finest and highest thc content greenery,we were young and we indulged. At that time nothing romantic happened, we talked,partied, and became friends,and for days afterwards the party continued and we all became friends. Suddenly months later after vir-gini learned my handicapped ways including my weird slurred speech were only on the outside and beneath these deficits was a good guy.
     Later vir-ginî moved in and became pregnant and I asked her to marry me. On December 15,1984 we were married and that’s when the nightmare began, but first came our son and he was a beautiful
baby boy. I had looked at vir-gini even before we met and wow! She was a beautiful girl possibly on


of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen although I couldn't imagine the skeleton's dancing in the

closet, of her mind, although I didn't have sense enough to give up quite yet.

     It wasn't until we were married that I found out her mother had had several boyfriends and a child out of wedlock. Her father,"after divorcing her mother," married  a woman,"a former prostitute," who
had been married at the very least 7 times before and wouldn't allow him to see his own children. There was even a story that one day in the pouring rain when vir-gini was a child walking home from

school with her step-sister her father picked up her step-sister but made vir-gini continue in the

pouring rain something I'm sure that would have a negative impact on a small child.


     1985: My parents had divorced earlier leaving my mother with custody of the house which was
lucky for me, my son, and vir-gini,"at least at the time I thought," it was a beautiful home that I never  could have afforded working part-time and receiving social security disability although in 1988 the

sh*t hit the fan. The
     I had lost my driving license somewhere between 1986 and 1988 because of my double vision,"it
seems that the authorities have no sense of humor." Subsequently I was forced to retire from my

resident advisor job living entirely on social security which is impossible to say the least.

     vir-gini's first psychotic episode threw me for a loop I can still remember setting the entire night
with her as she babbled incoherently about her father,I suppose you could say it was scarey never
having been subjected to anything like that before. Later the following day they transferred her to a
different hospital that had a psyche ward. That night I stayed with vir-gini's brother and borrowed his
car the following morning to inform her father of what his actions had caused I may or may not on several occasions referred to him as a"mother-f**ker" which wasn't very polite and I wouldn't advise

doing this at 6:00am but it did get him to the hospital.
     1992:my sister married and we attended with our son,it was a short drive to our home in t.ville and she was crying all the way for no apparent reasôn. Later we drove to her sister's in nearby
Newark,Ohio where we stayed for three fun-filled months, that fall our son would be in the second grade and I was frustrated just trying to get home. I can still remember on a particular Saturday while
staying at her sister's, we needed tires on the car a 1988 bonneville and she was a utter mess, crying as if th

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