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Thursday, September 17, 2009

spaghetti-o's(FANS OF FOOD)

he'd always been foods biggest fan not that he was overweight, well maybe a little. he could no longer fit into his high school blue jeans or breath like a normal human being, at least not after going up more than one flight of stairs in fact even thinking about going up stairs would cause him to lose his breath but he hadn't been ill in years except around six months ago when he had a nasty ear infection, because of the infection his ears were clogged and it sounded to him like all noise was coming from a cave. he went to his doctor where he gave the receptionist his medicare card then followed a nurse for several routine tests, temperature, blood pressure, height, and WEIGHT! he was then instructed to go into a small room and wait on the doctor, after an eternity of waiting and after not reading the current magazines found in the small waiting room because he forgot his glasses and couldn't possibly see the small print but he could almost guess what the pictures were so he had to be satisfied with distorted views.

finally after nearly an hour of waiting the doctor arrived, checking his chest,throat,eyes,and at last those nasty clogged ears. the doctor was a woman around 35, and she too,"obviously," was a lover of food, but had a friendly personality. she then informed him she would have to send a nurse in to flush his ears out, they were thoroughly clogged and she couldn't see a thing. so after another hour of waiting a different nurse came in, a nurse he hadn't seen before, she reminded him of lulu on hee haw a show from the 70's that played country music and he detested most country music. she was also wearing hospital scrubs, so here she was the nurse from hell,scrub wearing, over weight"before hee haw's lulu went on a diet," and she also had possibly the worst breath of all time she must of had bologna with kerosene for lunch. and she wanted to flush his ear out with a syringe, and warm saline water.

the nurse flushed out some of the nastious looking crap he had ever seen in his life and while flushing he was exposed to the horrible breath of the nurse from hell but after she was done she left but her breath remained, and after nearly another hour of waiting for the doctor to reappear the nurse's breath was still there and i'm sure the doctor was wondering if he cut the cheese.

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