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Friday, October 8, 2021

Nixon vs. Trump

 If there was a award for the biggest, most corrupt, largest fucking asshole in America’s brief history I’m afraid Trump would win and he’s orange(fucking orange)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Exactly what was in don’s kool-aid?

That he could turn somèone/anyone into a fucking idiot and because of his wealth there’s a good possibility of you becoming blind to his corrupt ways.

He’s nothing more than a rich, piece of sh t, fucking  corrupt, cock sucker!

Skippy Bin Laden

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Will there be a chapter II to trump’s sh t show chronicles

It worries the f—k out of me! I really don’t see how but there seems to be a abundance of dumbfuck’s in America that could enact some traitorous actions at any moment? Terminally fu-king stupid.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Learn to be a con-man like don

 In your spare time, at your own pace.

1. Buy orange spray paint 

2. Become a f—king asshole

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Pure Bullshit(like don T.)

      The year 2020 wasn’t a normal year, in fact it was a piece of fucking shit as far as ÿears go. Trump the fucking billionaire cheat(twice impeached,cock-sucker) wearer of a baboon’s ass on his head,disgraced, orange-piece of shit, loser ex-president of America, and lastly world champion liar.

     2020 was not good, and 2021 started off not all that great with Trump’s January 6th insurrection (where trump supporters stormed the capital due to trumps lies 30,500) oh! And don’t forget 605,000+ dead Americans from Trumpvirus inaction. Thank God for President Joe Biden.

     That’s 605,000+ dead Americans from Trumpvirus inaction as of June 30,2021, due to the vaccine and President Biden the virus seems to be more managed(Trump virus inaction sucked). Like Trump.

Hopefully soon that fucking idiot will soon be in jail(bending over!)

     Vaccine’s are great for saving lives but there seems to be some side effects that I found out the hard way. I was vaccinated in March and soon afterwards I noticed a bump on my tailbone along with some soreness. Today I’m sporting a 2 foot tail and I like it. You know how at times you’re wishing for a extra arm? At first I was worried that it would be a hindrance but once I had my jeans,undies and shorts altered I was set and in a matter of days I learned to control my tail like I had it all my life, and in the bedroom my wife has found several sexual uses for it.(if you know what I mean?)


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Don the orange anti-Christ

 Elected by mistake, i’m 65 and trump isn’t merely a dumb,corrupt asshole he’s a cocksucking F’ing idiot and simply bad with zero morals, and a baboon’s ass replica toupee.

January 6,2021

Trump(being the dumb fuck he is) invited the maga crowd to the Capital where they stormed the capital building, killed 6-7 police,threatened to hang mike pence and more.and yet I’ll be shocked if anything happens to the fucker.

June 28, 2021.

And still fuck-head don hasn’t conceded and claims voter fraud? I’ve had a suspicion alien’s are the culprit?lol
Biden’s been president for 6 months and thank God it’s refreshing to have a human being again.

604,000+ dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction Fuck tRump.

7-21-2021 610,000+ dead Americans from Trumpvirus dead dead Americans from don’s Trumpvirus 

7-29-2021 611,000+ dead Americans from don’s Trumpvirus 

8/3/2021 613,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction 

8/25/2021 631,000+ dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction (Trumpvirus)

631,000+ dead Americans and yet there are still some(fuck head Trumpers hesitating about getting the vaccine)?

8/29/21  637,000+ dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction

8/31/2021  639,000+ dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction 

9/3/2021 645,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction 

9/13/2021 660,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction 

9/24/2021 680,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction (total)

9/28/2021 691,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction 

10/8/2021 710,000+ don dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction dead Americans dead dead Americans. At least 500,000 didn’t need to die, Trump learned that the virus was a air-born virus in March of 2020 but didn’t tell Americans because it would hurt his re-election chances, so instead he kept the virus secret(Trump is a fucking piece of shit) and a fucking murderer!) we can only hope don and the entire fucking family of grifters spend years and years behind bars.(mega-incarceration w/big bubba!)

10/11/2021 714,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction 

10/12/2021 715,000+ dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus inaction dead Americans dead 
    And yet there’s a large percentage of the Gop that believe in Trump(orange Satan)

10/15/2021 722,000+ dead Americans from Trumpvirus dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction.
                    722,000+ dead Americans yet fuckhead Donald trump is still a free man even after inciting a 
                     Insurrection attempting to over throw the U.S. government.(722,000+) that’s a shit-load of      
                      Citizens) considering trump knew about COVID-19 and it’s transmission in March 2020 and
                     didn’t tell the public because he thought it would hurt his re-election chances.

10/30/2021 745,000+ don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction dead Americans dead dead Americans what in the fuck did trump do? Trump supporters seem to consist of fucking asshole traitors who worship a fucking orange lying loser!

11/1/2021  747,000+ don dead Americans from don’s orange lying virus.for month’s now DJT is envolved with court related things(daily)
Trump should start now practicing bending over and stretching his anus for prison sex?

11/17/2021  765,000+ don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction.
Don is still involved daily with law-suits, and other legal things, Don is fucked.(and it’s great!

12/5/2021 787,000+ Don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction. It’s only because of his wealth that trumps free.

12/8/2021  789,000+ don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction. Now they’re dealing with the Omnicron variant of the coronavirus.

12/12/2021  796,000+ don dead Americans from orange lying don virus inaction. Still over 1000 Americans a day dying (and yet don is a free man) orange but free it must be his wealth?

12/22/2021  808,000+ don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction.

12/24/2021  814,000+ don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction. The virus is primarily a virus of the unvaccinated, the vaccinated do still become infected but the hospitals are full of the unvaccinated.
Trump is still a fucking traitor and a fucking free man? Hopefully not for long.

12/28/2021  817,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don lying virus inaction that’s a shit-load of dead Americans. Thank God Biden’s the President, Trump’s pitiful inaction caused the deaths of tens of   Thousands.

1/12/2022  841,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don lying virus inaction.
It’s merely a matter of time before orange don is brought to justice(hopefully)

1/21/2022  860,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don lying virus inaction.
Orange don is in BIG f’ing trouble for attempting to steal democracy he’ll soon(hopefully) be in jail for years(dumbfuck)! And orange 

1/30/22  883,000+ orange(asshole) don dead from don’s lying virus inaction 883,000+
The majority of people dying from Covid are those who are unvaccinated!

2/1/2022 886,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction. Deaths are primarily unvaccinated these people(Ass-holes) are fucked up fans of orange lying donny trump(the disgraced,twice impeached,loser asshole,worst fucking president of all time & person)

2/2/2022  890,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction, 890,000+ primarily unvaccinated/dead Americans loyal to a lying, cheating, orange con-man, piece of shit!

2/5/2022 900,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction. 93% of Covid-19 cases are unvaccinated (trump’s uneducated,kool-aid drinking,assholes)

2/8/2022  908,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don’s f’ing lying virus inaction. Trump is in a shitload of trouble and that’s a great thing. I’d enjoy seeing him spending eternity in a orange jumpsuit, and being raped(daily). I’ve been disabled since 1979 and I depend on social security and don the fucking con along with other programs where he could steal and steal millions/billions, he’s simply a fucking con-man/thieve/asshole.

2/12/2022  917,000+ orange don dead Americans. With all orange don’s court dealings, lawsuits, he’s fucked!

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