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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hay u.

damn the summer and the sun
i guess the weathers perfect and it should be done, and
hook up, raise up when you see
frick'n groundhog

round and round
mindless,and round
and water, time goes by for drying
and the sun,knowing there's nothing in it but the feed

and it's something to do

even though it's mindless

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the fag diet

lately, probably due to my age, i've been putting on a few, quite a few extra pounds. i also quit smoking several years ago and due to quitting i've substituted cigarettes with quite abit of food. i know of all the bad things cigarettes. can do to your body and besides that there so frick'n expensive. so in order to curb my appetite i've elected to resume the disgusting habit of smoking, i've chosen to make my own cigarettes and it seems to be working.

if you must smoke "and due to this weight loss thing i must," rolling your own is the way to go.and due to this pain in the keister economic recession it makes smoking just a little more affordable, sure the threat of cancer is still there but you'll be the most handsome dude "and thinnest," at the morgue.

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