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Monday, September 14, 2009


my older brother was a really good guy, he always did extremely well in school, i should say he always did great in school, he never got anything below an A, i don't know if i was proud or pissed off, since i was more the average student? after high school he went off to college where he continued his streak of A's and also learned a language or two along the way. after college graduation he got a job at a university, "he said on a visit home," somewhere in southeast asia. after several years he married a girl he had met at the university and brought her back home on one of his visits, she even looked a little asian. tex,"that's what my grandfather used to call him and everyone called him," eventually since he hated the name norman that my mom seemed to like","she was the only one that called him norman." so tex,"norman," was a married man living in southeast asia, teaching at a university, or at least that's what we thought, actually he'd been living in a cardboard box not more than 10 minutes from where we are now, the girl,"his supposed wife," was just a homeless friend he had met somewhere" maybe in an adjacent cardboard dwelling." we later found out tex was addicted to necco's, the sweet candy waffer's that as a small child he seemed so found of. we couldn't believe that he or anyone could waste there earnings on candy and all tex could say is,"my favorite are the green ones", but personally i prefer the white, especially with fish.

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