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Saturday, August 29, 2009


when larry was growing up he always attended church but he never really was a firm believer he did go to sunday school and church,possibly to keep his mother happy. he sang the songs was an acolyte, put his quarter in the donation plate, was in the church's youth group, went to the church's christmas events, every year where they brought in possibly the most realistic looking santa claus larry had ever seen, and that has absolutely nothing to do with church. but after all that larry still was confused about religion. larry wondered with the earth's billions of people and the many different religions how his religion was the only "right" religion and everyone else was wrong and would therefore be spending eternity in hell?

HELL? larry had some trouble understanding hell. it didn't seem to larry that hell could be a whole lot worse than things are now, minus the air-conditioning and the weenies and marsh-mellows for roasting. and just if his religion was the only "right" religion then hell would have to be a very spacious place(besides hot),possibly like the DMV when the air-conditioning is on the blink?

larry thought about religion occasionally but was still confused he thought just maybe it was all a matter of just being a good dude, isn't that what it's all about? and larry did try to be good, and obeying the 10 commandments and some of the teachings in the bible, not because they're "in" the bible just because it is all part of trying to be a good dude, and that's the way he was brought up.

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