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Sunday, June 14, 2009


we were planning on a family reunion since all my brothers and sisters would be in town. my mother had quite abit of the summertime favorites, but none of mine,i was hoping for beans. my cousin's also attended the reunion, it's always nice to see them, i'd practically forgotten that they use to tease me about my uni-brow. after dinner we played croquet, my father use to tell my brothers,"now let your brother win, you know how he gets when he doesn't win," this time,since dad died," my brothers didn't let me win, so i took the croquet mallet and disciplined my brothers then i shot my mother and cousins, next time maybe they'll remember the beans. all i needed, and wanted was beans preferably baked, and served hot, maybe a variety of beans, with pork or bacon, i can taste them now, even now with my family all around me, of course they're not quite so active, and the teasings have stopped.

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