it most have been1973 at vets memorial I saw Todd rundgren for the first time with my girlfriend Susan. We drove to Columbus in my fathers 1973 vw bug and I think it was in the fall and we went to wendy’s. It’s hard to believe that’s been 45 years ago.
Around 2 years later I bought my first car a 1963 rambler classic a ugly car that ran great. I was young and attempting to do some body work to the car that I never completed so the car was originally green but with my body work gray primer it gave the car a camaflaged look. This was in the seventies and for a short time 8 track tapes were the rage I had installed an 8 track tape player and happened to have 1 tape Todd rundgren’s first Runt:the ballad of Todd rundgren that I happened to find in a clearance bend somewhere but it’s a classic.
Around 2 years later I bought my first car a 1963 rambler classic a ugly car that ran great. I was young and attempting to do some body work to the car that I never completed so the car was originally green but with my body work gray primer it gave the car a camaflaged look. This was in the seventies and for a short time 8 track tapes were the rage I had installed an 8 track tape player and happened to have 1 tape Todd rundgren’s first Runt:the ballad of Todd rundgren that I happened to find in a clearance bend somewhere but it’s a classic.