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Thursday, December 10, 2009

great northern

he was probably the best looking dude you'd ever want to meet he was around six one in height with flowing blond hair and a physic that drove the ladies wild, the girls didn't even seem to mind that he was plagued with B.O., it really wasn't conventional body aroma it was bean oder, that probably was due to his love for beans. when he was a few years younger he was a fair athlete and for a moment wondered about a career playing baseball but when it came to choosing anything he'd always choose beans.

his mother and father were planning for him to go to college, he would have been the first in his family to go to college, his father was a foreman at a local factory it was a job that he never really cared for but had always managed to put away several dollars a week in freddie's college fund but several years back after high school graduation freddie was about to sign his application to the local college where he planned on attending when his mother called to him for supper and she had prepared his favorite,"baked beans," freddie never seemed to get back to signing the application he'd put it off. he began putting off more and more things such as personal hygiene, looking for some sort of employment, and I'm sure there was more. he also began associating with a different type of people, people that were drunkards,homeless,addicted to bingo, drugs and/or alcohol. freddie didn't seem to care about anybody or anything just eating beans, he did have a girl friend "tina," but she soon grew tired of freddie's constant Oder,compulsion for beans, and inability to make any sort of commitment to her, so freddie and tina soon went there separate ways. with tina gone freddie ate beans full bore, he began eating beans for breakfast and throughout the day, everyday. did you ever see the charlie brown cartoons? they were on usually in the evenings, well do you remember the one character "pig pen?" remember how he was enveloped in a fog of filth, well freddie had that fog around him but it was a fog of methane created by mass quantities of beans.

after years of a steady diet of beans, freddie's health was great, possibly because beans are
the magical, musical fruit freddie's father passed on but his mother allowed him to stay in the garage just as long as he kept the door up and had a exhaust fan running to carry away his flatulence, the smell was unbearable it always smelled like sulphur and rotting aardvarks , freddie's mother would hose him off at least once a week and douse him with cheap cologne so the neighbors wouldn't complain. in the garage freddie had a hot-plate and always had a pot of soup beans on, freddie was constantly experimenting and creating new and different bean recipes, he made a small fortune with some of his bean recipes and even wrote several bean cook books.

several years after freddie made his fortune in beans he met an attractive woman who happened to love beans nearly as much as he did but they soon divorced after she suggested adding baking soda to some of freddies world famous recipes in an attempt to calm down freddies flatulence it seemed that he loved the flatulence nearly as much as the taste of the beans .

now he was getting older but still had beans to eat, freddie discovered that mixing or baking great northern Lima beans with your standard navy bean created an almost deadly flatulence, the methane was so great that you'd want to be outside while eating them and be sure there are no open flames, as freddie discovered at an inside christmas party at a relatives house.

freddie was rarely invited to any social functions but one christmas, or a week or two before christmas, freddie was invited along with his mother to his great-aunt's for Christmas cookies, several games, turkey and baked beans with great northern beans, added to the baked beans ,"one of freddies recipe's,"after all it is christmas. freddie ate several cookies, a turkey sandwich and a generous portion of the baked beans, maybe even two generous portions then he warmed himself by uncle roy's fire he warmed his backside and very quietly cut the cheese and nearly ruined the christmas tree, fortunately freddies uncle roy had a fire extinguisher so it appeared the tree had a lite dusting of snow on it, actually it was sort of pretty but freddies aunt's eyebrows were missing so freddie apologized and headed for the kitchen to see if there were leftover beans.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

spaghetti-o's(FANS OF FOOD)

he'd always been foods biggest fan not that he was overweight, well maybe a little. he could no longer fit into his high school blue jeans or breath like a normal human being, at least not after going up more than one flight of stairs in fact even thinking about going up stairs would cause him to lose his breath but he hadn't been ill in years except around six months ago when he had a nasty ear infection, because of the infection his ears were clogged and it sounded to him like all noise was coming from a cave. he went to his doctor where he gave the receptionist his medicare card then followed a nurse for several routine tests, temperature, blood pressure, height, and WEIGHT! he was then instructed to go into a small room and wait on the doctor, after an eternity of waiting and after not reading the current magazines found in the small waiting room because he forgot his glasses and couldn't possibly see the small print but he could almost guess what the pictures were so he had to be satisfied with distorted views.

finally after nearly an hour of waiting the doctor arrived, checking his chest,throat,eyes,and at last those nasty clogged ears. the doctor was a woman around 35, and she too,"obviously," was a lover of food, but had a friendly personality. she then informed him she would have to send a nurse in to flush his ears out, they were thoroughly clogged and she couldn't see a thing. so after another hour of waiting a different nurse came in, a nurse he hadn't seen before, she reminded him of lulu on hee haw a show from the 70's that played country music and he detested most country music. she was also wearing hospital scrubs, so here she was the nurse from hell,scrub wearing, over weight"before hee haw's lulu went on a diet," and she also had possibly the worst breath of all time she must of had bologna with kerosene for lunch. and she wanted to flush his ear out with a syringe, and warm saline water.

the nurse flushed out some of the nastious looking crap he had ever seen in his life and while flushing he was exposed to the horrible breath of the nurse from hell but after she was done she left but her breath remained, and after nearly another hour of waiting for the doctor to reappear the nurse's breath was still there and i'm sure the doctor was wondering if he cut the cheese.

Monday, September 14, 2009


my older brother was a really good guy, he always did extremely well in school, i should say he always did great in school, he never got anything below an A, i don't know if i was proud or pissed off, since i was more the average student? after high school he went off to college where he continued his streak of A's and also learned a language or two along the way. after college graduation he got a job at a university, "he said on a visit home," somewhere in southeast asia. after several years he married a girl he had met at the university and brought her back home on one of his visits, she even looked a little asian. tex,"that's what my grandfather used to call him and everyone called him," eventually since he hated the name norman that my mom seemed to like","she was the only one that called him norman." so tex,"norman," was a married man living in southeast asia, teaching at a university, or at least that's what we thought, actually he'd been living in a cardboard box not more than 10 minutes from where we are now, the girl,"his supposed wife," was just a homeless friend he had met somewhere" maybe in an adjacent cardboard dwelling." we later found out tex was addicted to necco's, the sweet candy waffer's that as a small child he seemed so found of. we couldn't believe that he or anyone could waste there earnings on candy and all tex could say is,"my favorite are the green ones", but personally i prefer the white, especially with fish.

Friday, September 11, 2009


it was just a moment ago, i was younger and wondering which way to go and what to do, so i blinked and here i am it's thirty(+/-) years later and i'm still wondering,and somewhere and somehow during that blink i found you. gini

Saturday, August 29, 2009


when larry was growing up he always attended church but he never really was a firm believer he did go to sunday school and church,possibly to keep his mother happy. he sang the songs was an acolyte, put his quarter in the donation plate, was in the church's youth group, went to the church's christmas events, every year where they brought in possibly the most realistic looking santa claus larry had ever seen, and that has absolutely nothing to do with church. but after all that larry still was confused about religion. larry wondered with the earth's billions of people and the many different religions how his religion was the only "right" religion and everyone else was wrong and would therefore be spending eternity in hell?

HELL? larry had some trouble understanding hell. it didn't seem to larry that hell could be a whole lot worse than things are now, minus the air-conditioning and the weenies and marsh-mellows for roasting. and just if his religion was the only "right" religion then hell would have to be a very spacious place(besides hot),possibly like the DMV when the air-conditioning is on the blink?

larry thought about religion occasionally but was still confused he thought just maybe it was all a matter of just being a good dude, isn't that what it's all about? and larry did try to be good, and obeying the 10 commandments and some of the teachings in the bible, not because they're "in" the bible just because it is all part of trying to be a good dude, and that's the way he was brought up.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

your in san diego(urine san diego)

recently my wife,daughter and i visited our son who's a marine and is stationed in san diego,so along with my daughter and wife we had a lovely time doing some site-seeing going to different restaurants and swimming at the beaches. one thing i found hard to accept though "being from central ohio and living on a farm of 255 acres," is that you can't just whizz whenever to urge is there, i've grown accustom to urinating on every square inch of the 255 acres without the threat of anyone getting a view of my privates or being incarcerated and serving several days in the poky. san diego is very beautiful but extremely dry "my son told me it hadn't rained in 6 months and when it did it was only for around 30 minutes," so it seems to me if everyone would whizz whenever they felt the urge "and carry around a little bag of agricultural lime to kill the horrible smell of urine," their problems might just be solved. of course san diego has millions of people practically living on top of each other and finding privacy could be a real problem, so forget it, or try it just don't bend over when your incarcirated in the san diego pokey.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hay u.

damn the summer and the sun
i guess the weathers perfect and it should be done, and
hook up, raise up when you see
frick'n groundhog

round and round
mindless,and round
and water, time goes by for drying
and the sun,knowing there's nothing in it but the feed

and it's something to do

even though it's mindless

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the fag diet

lately, probably due to my age, i've been putting on a few, quite a few extra pounds. i also quit smoking several years ago and due to quitting i've substituted cigarettes with quite abit of food. i know of all the bad things cigarettes. can do to your body and besides that there so frick'n expensive. so in order to curb my appetite i've elected to resume the disgusting habit of smoking, i've chosen to make my own cigarettes and it seems to be working.

if you must smoke "and due to this weight loss thing i must," rolling your own is the way to go.and due to this pain in the keister economic recession it makes smoking just a little more affordable, sure the threat of cancer is still there but you'll be the most handsome dude "and thinnest," at the morgue.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


i don't know if you'd call it vain but i suppose you would, when i was younger "not that i'm quite ready for the bone yard," i had hair, there were people that had more, and some with less, but this was mine and i was proud of it, now i've reached that time in life where i'm losing it, off the top of my head and it's growing everywhere else, the remaining hair on my head is turning gray but the hair growing from my ears and eye brows looks funky and requires constant maintenance, and isn't even turning gray.

since i've been losing hair and the remaining hair has been turning gray i've been cutting it myself with an electric razor it gives you that world war two concentration camp appearance but at this age and stage in life i'm really not to concerned. i also have a spot on the back of my head where there should be hair but there's not, i was in the hospital once and developed a bed sore that was thirty years ago and i've never seen it"except in the mirror," they tell me it's nasty. so along with the buzzed off, with bed sore, concentration camp, hair dew, i appear as a older, past middle-age type dude with a bad hair day.

when i was younger i suppose i was more concerned about my appearance but now that i'm older my priorities have changed and i'm more aware of the cost of gas than whether or not my part is straight, and just think of the money that i'm now saving on hair products.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


there's nothing quite as disgusting as human waste, it's bad, real bad, especially if it's someone else's but even if it's yours it's bad. say you're walking down the street and you just happen upon a fresh pile it doesn't really matter who's it is, it's bad. now i've been living and working on my father-n-law's dairy farm for nearly 20 years, where he milks and fattens holstein cattle and holstein's have the cadillac of poop. personally i've never found the aroma to be offensive, any other poop fails in comparison. now baby holstein's are a little rank because of there mom's milk but as soon as they grow and no longer need mom there fine. chicken, turkey, and other members of the bird family are really bad, hog poop is really bad, the methane can cause you to pass out, now that's pretty bad. horse poop is sort of alright, depending on the horse's diet, and many other animals i've yet to experience the aroma from there poop,

Friday, June 19, 2009


less than nothing, and all the cow droppings you'd ever want.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

tuck it

i'm now 52 years old and it seems i can no longer tuck in my shirt and appear normal,"i really should take this opportunity to apologize to my mother,wife, and friends for not being better looking," it could be that at this age i simply don't care,"that would be a lie," i blame my weight gain on the lack of cigarettes, i smoked for quite a few years and i quit, knowing of the health risks and ridiculously high price of cigarettes but i didn't realize that i would know longer be able to tuck my shirt in. you absolutely never look at a magazine or really see anyone," other than someone with a big gut," with an untucked shirt. maybe it is my age, or my constitution but i really do miss it. so i started smoking again, and i haven't smoked in nearly 3 years, food definitely tasted better not smoking, maybe that was the problem? at any rate at the funeral home after i die from some tobacco related illness they'll be able to have an open casket viewing because hopefully i'll have lost the extra gut weight and i'll be able to tuck my shirt in, although i am 52 i think my dream of becoming a male model have faded, lets eat.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


we were planning on a family reunion since all my brothers and sisters would be in town. my mother had quite abit of the summertime favorites, but none of mine,i was hoping for beans. my cousin's also attended the reunion, it's always nice to see them, i'd practically forgotten that they use to tease me about my uni-brow. after dinner we played croquet, my father use to tell my brothers,"now let your brother win, you know how he gets when he doesn't win," this time,since dad died," my brothers didn't let me win, so i took the croquet mallet and disciplined my brothers then i shot my mother and cousins, next time maybe they'll remember the beans. all i needed, and wanted was beans preferably baked, and served hot, maybe a variety of beans, with pork or bacon, i can taste them now, even now with my family all around me, of course they're not quite so active, and the teasings have stopped.

Friday, June 12, 2009

the almost ripe but not quite, killer tomato

rupert always enjoyed gardening probably more than most and now that he was retired he planned on spending the majority of his time in the garden tending to his vegetables. maggie, ruperts wife, was also a retiree, she had taught school for more than 35 years, and now ,"she'd tell rupert," it was," me," time. winter was finally coming to a close, the robins were building there nests and the trees were getting there leaves back. rupert woke up one morning and told maggie,"i think i'll till,and plant the garden today, it's lovely out and i'd like the plants to get an early start." so rupert ate his breakfast, probably pop tarts, he always loved pop tarts and maggie made,"the best," pop tarts everytime to ruperts specifications, almost burnrt. after finishing the last bite of his brown sugar cinnomen, nearly burnt pop tart he went to the small garden shed in the rear of his yard, the shed was in horrible shape but he never got around to cleaning it up, it's not that rupert was lazy, it's just that something was always coming up. next door to rupert and maggie lived stu, everyone said he was gay but rupert never saw him with anyone, boy or girl. but stu loved his pit bulls, he must have had five or six, and rupert noticed they were always different. there was talk around town that stu and his buddies where using dogs for dog fighting, but no one actually had proof. rupert got his rotatiller and several garden tools out, first he dumped out the old gas, added some fresh gas and the rotatiller started right up, rupert headed for the garden and began the tilling job. after he had gone over it several times he walked back to the garden shed and got the tomato plants, along with seeds, the water hose, and some fertilizer he made himself, last winter in the basement while maggie was watching her favorite soap opera, he put some weird things in a tub and mixed them together, they weren't all weird but the nuclear industrial waste seemed sort of odd. rupert had started three of the tomato plants, he'd started them in late february and he knew that it wouldn't be to long before he and maggie would be eating garden fresh tomato's," he liked,alot." he also liked the other vegetables,but there was something about tomato's that he really loved but he never really cared for them while growing up. it had been several weeks and rupert had been weeding and rotatilling his garden on an almost daily basis, maggie walked out to the garden and couldn't believe how great it looked,their was excitement in her voice when she praised rupert,"look there's already tomato's starting." several more weeks go by and with rupert's rotatilling, weeding and applications of his homemade fertilizer rupert has a award winning garden, alot of the townspeople notice and comment to rupert or maggie. rupert just lately had been noticeing that something had been getting into the tomato plants, rupert was really mad because the plants were just startng to put on tomato's. rupert sat up one night till 3am hopeing he could see what had been getting into his garden, he thought it was probably a rabbit or possibly a growndhog. at around 2:30 rupert saw something that he referred to as disgusting, it seemed that one of stu's pit bulls were in the garden haveing it's way with the tomato plants(humping). rupert was really mad and took a shot at him, he had know idea if he actually hit the dog since the light was horrible, rupert wasn't a very good shot, and rupert purchased the gun at an auction several years earlier. but the dog yelped and rupert never had problems with his garden again. it must have been around 1 month later that maggie and rupert decided to have blt's(bacon,letttuce&tomato sandwich), for supper, maggie was crazy for blt's especially with garden fresh tomato's. she'd fried up the bacon, had the lettuce in the refrigerator,and rupert told her there were several nearly ripe, slightly green tomato's in the garden. maggie walked to the garden with one of those plastic grocery bags from wally world or somewhere. it was nearly dark when maggie got to the garden, she watered the pepper plants with the hose rupert forgot to put away earlier in the day, then she noticed a shooting pain in her right arm,she was wondering if it was a heart attack but she had always heard that your left arm goes numb, she was beside the tomato's and rupert had constructed a sturdy fence for the tomato's to grow on, so the tomato's weren't damaged when maggie leaned against them, they weren't quite ripe. then she looked at her right arm, it was missing and the blood was squirting out where the arm should be. the tomato was eating her and there was nothing she could do. maggie dropped to the ground while the tomato feasted, what a way to go. later rupert went to the garden, he knew maggie was planning on having blt's for supper but he couldn't understand what was takeing her so long. when rupert arrived at the garden there was know trace of maggie the tomato had devoured her clothes and all their were no remains, the light didn't allow rupert to even see maggie's wedding ring. rupert was also eaten by the killer tomato.the only thing that i can figure out is rupert's homemade fertilizer combined with the pit bull sperm made for a killer tomato.

a bird

your family loves you, i love you, so don't do anything in a bad moment, don't do anything stupid

Thursday, June 11, 2009


they came home, nightly with durian on there breath. they wore the same t-shirt that read,"hey,hey we're the monkees." and they didn't mind what anyone said. after missing there 35th high school reunion they didn't seem to care until they heard what was on the dessert tray. my favorite and yours. but tastes change.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

hair ball

he was always just your ordinary blue collar, hard working, family guy, who when younger didn't believe in the easter bunny but did believe in santa claus but only for a short while. when he was younger he was involved with the drug scene for a short while but really didn't care for the effects.he was currently renting a small house near fallsburg in central ohio with his wife and four beagles, and 14 cats, he liked his dogs but never really cared for cats,"but his wife liked them." in the summer of 1999 two dogs, and he went to lake otto fishing, he'd been there fishing before and at times it was a good place to fish for blue gills or sometimes bass. he'd always enjoyed fishing and he really needed a break from his job and the rat race. he definately could use a little relaxation. lake otto was within miles of fallsburg, with many beautiful trees and a forest that went east behind it for miles. there was also a boat at lake otto that the owner would at times allow him to use for a few extra bucks. he arrived at lake otto but before leaveing home and kissing his wife goodbye he ate some left-overs and cut the grass. after cutting the grass he was still hungry so he found some leftover baked beans in the refrigerator, he'd always been baked beans biggest fan. he then grabbed his fishing pole, dogs,and cooler and drove off for a day of fishing and relaxation. after arriveing at lake otto he paid the owner and asked him whether or not the fish were bitting, the owner assured me there had been some good size bass and blue gills caught and even a few catfish.i remembered to rent the boat then drove 500 yards, maybe a little further and noticed i was the only one there, which was fine by me. so it was me and my two dogs on a good size lake and it was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, not hot, not cold, not windy, just great. lake otto has a shelter house and that's where the boat was, a small wooden row boat that had several years on it but was fine with me. i let the dogs run free,"since no one was there," grabbed my pole and cooler a rowed off for the big one, and at last some mush needed relaxation. he'd rowed a hundred yards or so when he remembered he'd left his whacky tobaccy so he rowed back to his truck by the shelter house and retieved it. by this time it must have been 3pm, still plenty of time to catch "the big one," or whatever he happened to snag. he rowed and rowed fishing, takeing breaks for refreshments, that he had in my cooler, relaxing with herbal assistance, he wasn't catching any fish and he really didn't mind. several hours later, he had rowed, and fished practicly the entire length of the lake and he knew it was time to head back so it wouldn't be pitch black when he arrived at the shelter but before he started back he wanted to check out the scenary on this side of the lake. he headed for the shoreline, looking for a safe spot where he could tie up the boat and get out without hurting myself. he found the spot quickly and after tieing off and getting off, began walking around by this time it might have been nearly eight, he knew there was enough daylight left, but to be on the safe side he thought he shouldn't be to long. he walked for a short while he thought and he couldn't even see the lake, it made him nervous losing site of the lake, so he turned around and headed back, at least he thought he was retracing his steps. he walked for a few minutes and thought that he should be seeing the lake by now but no lake, where was the lake and just how did he lose his way? so he kept on walking and searching, he felt a little scared and foolish, and he knew the lake had to be just ahead, but it wasn't. several hours later he was still searching, and had walked what seemed like miles. he noticed some huge rocks ahead and knew they weren't near the lake but they looked fascinateing so he thought he might as well investicate them. it was then he decided on the whacky tobaccy, and shortly after he saw something that looked and smelled like nothing had ever before. he had stumbled onto a bigfoot,"sasquatch" and the smell and site was like nothing he had ever seen or smelled. luckily the bigfoot was asleep and he kept very quiet so he wouldn't wake him, but the smell was like nothing else,like rotting durian fruit in the summer sun, and the size was enormous, possibly nine feet. several minutes went by and sammy, "what he liked to call him," woke up, the bigfoot seemed to be more afraid of him than he was of it, if that was possible, in the end they became close, good friends, pals, even though they couldn't verbally communicate, which just goes to show you,"?."

Saturday, June 6, 2009


he did alot of things he never thought he'd ever do, just to survive, just to get by. since his world fell apart in the early 1980's he'd been wandering from place to place, doing anything to make a few bucks so he'd have just a little, just enough money to contribute to he and his friends late night get togethers. at times the late night get togethers might start at noon the day before. he wasn't very handsome but he seemed to have friends and relatives all over the united states, and even a few as far away as singapore but he'd never been there. with the money he would earn doing these jobs that no one else in there right mind would do he'd hitch-hike to and from the job, the license bureau took his license,"the cost of gas was unaffordable anyway," he would sleep usually at a friends sometimes at relatives, sometimes wherever, and in the winter when the cold was unbearable he'd head south. he new he was getting to old for this life style but the pain kept him moving. it had been nearly thirty years of his life, living like this when he broke down and bought a used rideing lawn mower. he drove that lawn mower practicully everywhere, and it had driven him even beyond the state line, he babied his lawn mower and established a lawn mowing route to earn a little money. he realized cutting grass would never make him rich but it was a way to earn money,"being homeless." later he bought a trailer he could pull behind his trailer and with some modifications he had a bed to sleep in. he still visited his friends and relatives,"he would cut alot of there lawns," but he'd spend the majority of his earnings on fruit, any fruit he could get his hands on. he especially liked when his uncle came back from singapore, he'd aways smuggle a durian fruit or two to calm his cravings. although his uncle was rarely around so he'd have to be satisfied with apples, pears,oranges,bananas or any other fruit he could lay his hands on, but he learned to love durian fruit although because of it's horrible smell he often had to eat it outside, and only on windy days so as not to offend passers by, but that suited him fine because he was homeless.

Friday, June 5, 2009

corn fed

she was a big gal, enormous, but what lovely handwritting. she was also a champion, last year she won a pie eatting contest at the county fair, it made no difference that all the other contestants left when they noticed she would be there. so she was well known as a champion pie eater, excellent handwritting skills, and there's one more thing, now what was it, oh! she could dance, really cut a rug as someone said, i have no idea where she learned to dance but she could, and it didn't matter which or what kind of dance she seemed to instinctively no them all, a natural, with beautiful handwritting, enormous, and a average complexsion, she did look better in the dark.

hot pants

i'm really not sure if she still lives there or not but across the street from my grandmother there's a woman grandma used to call hot pants, possibly because of all her late night activities. i was always amused by grandma looking out the window like any self righteous nosey neighbor, and grandpa would always have something witty to say. hot pants,"at least in the 1980's, was a foxy looking woman," i'm really not that sure if she was all that foxy since i only saw her from hundreds of feet away,"probably in her late 30's to early 40's with several children and a limp-wristed husband,"she had a daughter who was in high school with a child of her own, grandma referred to her as" hot pants jr." i can still see hot pants digging through her wardrobe which she carried in the trunk of her car, trying to find an outfit to go with a particular purse she happened to be carrying that day. i think grandma once told me hot pants had a night job making her catting around allot more inconspicuous, in any case being judgemental probably wasn't cool but there was a guy in my high school class that went out with hot pants and he told me it wasn't worth it, something about she had both male and female organs, sort of makes me ill just thinking about it. but grandma died in 2001 just after terrorists crashed into the world trade center, i don't really know if hot pants had anything to do with that but who knows?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

rotten kitties

under the porch in the hummid summer, if they smell much worse we won't be able to keep down dinner, those rotten kitties, rotten kitties,rotten kitties, hey, rotten kitties, rotten kitties, purrrr-r-r

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


i can still remember when i was young, even though it's been several weeks ago. i was experimenting with everything and anything out of curiousity i guess? maybe i just wasn't all that bright. i have a daughter who has just become a dreaded teenager, and she seems to have alot more common sense than i had at her age so here's hopeing, i know i'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

beaulla's husband

i never really new his name or exactly what he did,as a job or the type of a person he might have been but she must have been quite a horrible wife to make him want to end his life. beaulla and her betrothed lived in the house directly straight across the street from my grandpa and grandma.someone told me when i was a child,"i think it was my grandma," he put a vacuum cleaner hose from the exhaust of his 59' ford to and through it's window. i don't think i ever saw him but by the looks of beaulla i'm certain he wasn't a male model. i never really knew beaulla, and i didn't ever want to know beaulla, she scared me, she reminded me of the witch on the wizard of oz that was after dorothy, beaulla's daughter though wasn't half bad, at least in the 1960's,"maybe by now she's grown a wart on her nose,with a single black hair growing out of it." whatever the case may be i just can't understand how a man could choose death over beaulla, or maybe i can. what a wuss.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

since 1975

i woke up, started working for shelly company, a road paving company in thornville, i was driving a truck hauling asphalt or gravel attempting to earn money for school at cotc or osu in newark,it was really an interesting experience but nothing to write home about. i really wasn't to thrilled with the shelly company experience, staying in dumpy hotels, on the road, driving a hot truck, remember this was 1975 and trucks with air-conditioning were rare, the truck also only had a a.m. radio. but i did stay at my uncle bill's,and aunt marilyn's in cuyahoga falls for a month, that was interesting getting to party and know my cousin keith tuma. keith is now a college professor at miami u. in oxford,ohio. later i started at cotc\osu in newark, my grades weren't bad but i found out i just wasn't cut out for the academic life so i began working for my dad at the thornville elevator\hardware, i really only worked at the elevator, grandpa ran the hardware. i enjoyed working at the elevator, i've always enjoyed physical work.i really don't remember the exact date but my brother brad,steve poling,brad mauer and i took a trip we like to call "the bi-centenial trip of 1976," it was interesting. eventually i left the elevator for a while and my brother brad and i with several friends got an apartment on campus at osu, in columbus, everyone was going to osu except for me, i was working, at cuthbert's greenhouse(for not quite a full day), then at a store called "the union," it was horrible but an interesting experience, i met larry cohen there, he was an older(30), jewish guy from new york city, i remember he told me his sister went to woodstock(the music festival in 1968 or 69, attended by hippies and all), larry had a great since of humor and was really a nice guy, i have no idea what ever became of him. so the columbus experience was great but it only lasted three months and once again i was back in thornville, living at home and working at the elevator. one other thing i do remember about the columbus experience is i turned 19 years old while living there,19!betsy set me up on a blind date with linda hommrich, we fell in love(or maybe i did), and eventually got married. after getting married we moved to newark, to an apartment, then we bought a house, i was working at the elevator and she was working for state farm insurance we weren't rich but we weren't poor with our combined incomes and it was the seventies so the cost of liveing was alot lower. in the spring of 1979 we went with friends on vacation to florida, i thought it was going well but on the return trip(we drove), i got this feeling, a horrible feeling,empty, and when we returned she informed me she wanted a divorce, i was devastated. so eventually we split for good and i moved back to thornville, i was 22 years old. single and feeling alone and rejected during the day i worked at the elevator during the night i drank and chased women(sometimes i'd catch them), my friend ernie and i would also play alot of tennis, but following tennis we'd party at times we wouldn't even bother with the tennis we'd just party. when linda and i were married we had bought a new oldsmobile car a cutlas i think? i traded that car(i got custody in the divorce), and got a jeep renegade(new). the jeep's waranty hadn't even expired when i totalled it and me after drinking one night on september 9,1979. i woke three weeks later in osu hospital unable to walk and wondering,"what the hell did i do." in the hospital,"because of inactivity and being in an induced coma," i lost alot of weight and muscle, my parents later told me the dr's gave me a 4% chance of survival and that they needed to get me a burial plot. after the hospital i went to dodd hall, it's affiliated with the hosptital and is for rehabilatation, during my hospital and dodd hall stay i was constantly in the "twight light zone," i did make several good friends at dodd hall though, i have no idea whatever became of them?after i returned home(in a wheelchair), i began to excercise and i didn't quit for years, at this time brad was in portugal, bruce was going to college,betsy and barbie(bird) were home. i gained all my weight back and more, i was in good shape but i still couldn't walk, when attempting fine motor skills(eg.writting), i had attaxia a uncontrolable shakeing, i also have attaxia in my vocal chords which makes my speach slurred and me a horrible singer. it's a real bummer haveing the slurred speach because people,"at least at times," act like your not all that bright, but at times you can use this to your advantage. around 1982 brad was back from portugal, and i had done about all the nothing i could take, i along with brad and his live in girlfriend luisa(a portugese gal), left thornville for newark(9 miles north). we stayed one night with betsy and her husband then got an apartment. it was a nice apartment, and it was probably good for me to be more independent but i still was frustrated by not haveing a job. so after several months i found a job at the licking county board on mental redartation/and developemental disabilities(what a mouthfull), working in a group home as an advisor, it was an ok job, but barely. later after i'd been working for several years i met my current wife(gini), i new her name and loved her even before i met her.gini and i have been married now for 24 years, we have a son who's a marine and married with a child and another on the way,that makes gini and i grandparents, we also have a daughter, with feet like mine,2009. i'm 52 at the moment,being disabled is really not all that bad, i'd have to say the slurred speach is probably the worst part,when i speak,"at least at times," people assume things,"just like the elephant man." so life is swell, and i hope i make it to 85. good night.

Friday, May 15, 2009

partially partial

the other day i was eating leftover ham that was sealed up in a refrigerator container, it wasn't quite fresh but it hadn't reached the dreaded green stage in leftover-land and it even smelled like ham so i made the decision to eat it, a costly error. there were three,maybe four small pieces ,i was eating away when,"the ham tasted allright," the one tooth on my partial decided to fall off, well really not just fall off but the force of the biteing caused it to exit the partial, i went to the dentist several days later and it will cost 140.oo for having the single tooth partial repaired. so gini and i decided on makeing partial partial payments partially because we're poor.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

running behind

you've always heard that women are, or can be fashionably late but come on. i was brought up to be ahead of schedule, never late for anything, and i know that it's probably wrong but i get nervous at the prospect of being late. my wife on the otherhand would be late for her own funeral, or mine and it could be soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

burial insurance

it seems like i just got out of school, although school is just a far off memory,doing the things you do when you're younger and not regretting it in the morning. now it seems whatever i do i physically pay in the morning until i have that first cup of coffee, the shower, anything that loosens up my bones. i'm 52 but it's time to be picking out an eternal resting place. i haven't woken in the morning feeling peppy since i was 40.


a cousin of mine was trying to get my family and hers together for a reunion,get together, everyone is grown now with kids of there own and have jobs in other states and countries. getting everyone to be in the same place at the same tine is like getting a cat to hold still while you pull it's teeth, so it just may not happen. my oldest brother lives in singapore, my youngest is a pilot and lives in new york, my youngest sister lives in tennesse, and another sister is a nurse and lives farely close by, my mother's retired, and i'm disabled. i never really realized this but with everything else that goes along with being disabled availibility is probably the least important.

Monday, May 11, 2009


i've always been extremely fond of golden sugar crisp's and other cereal's especially when they're soggy from being in milk, at least longer than recommended. life cereal is also one of my favorites although it with many of the other name brands are getting a ridiculous price, there are some tasty brands but i never really cared for the fish flavored brands.

Friday, May 8, 2009


every year beginning in mid april through mid may spring begins,"at least around here," and with the start of spring comes the mushrooms, growing small at first, then more towards the beginning of may the larger muriel mushrooms white mainly. i'm not very good at finding them, but i really enjoy eating them. this year i happened to be out hunting one day walking through briars and stepping over logs and looking in tall grass around the elm trees, for some odd reason they seem to grow near elm trees, but i tripped over what i thought was just another log on the forest floor but it was a mushroom the biggest mushroom i had ever seen or heard about. the mushroom must have been at least ten feet tall, it was enormous, it must have been two to two and a half foot across at the base, i had no idea how i would ever get it home to show my wife, i also had no idea how i would ever pick it. i decided to go back to the house since it was less than a mile away and get my chainsaw since the chain was still sharp from the last time i needed to cut wood, my wife and i are required to supplement our heat(forced air furnace), with the use of an add-on wood furnace. i also hooked up a hay wagon to carry the mushroom back to the house,"i was only hopeing i would be strong enough to lift the massive mushroom onto the bed of the wagon?" when i returned to the woods i parked the tractor with the wagon on behind of it what i thought was in the exact same spot i had been in earlier when i had found the mega-shroom so i walked into the woods looking for more mushrooms as i walked, i did find several regular size mushrooms but when i returned to the spot it seememed to have disappeared so i walked around more seaching and searching,"this was getting a little ridiculus," i was getting frantic, searching everywhere with chainsaw in hand and it was beginning to get dark. i searched a while longer, ate another of the mushrooms i had found earlier and went on home, i'm sure there's a moral to this yarn but i have no idea what it might be.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

ira cooperrider and rachel van dyke cooperrider&uncle loy

i never really knew much about great-grandpa and grandma cooperrider,i was young and to me they always seemed old, grandpa died in 1970 or 71, and grandma in the 1980's at the age of 96, grandpa was in his 70's. grandpa was a really fascinating man, i would have enjoyed knowing him when he was younger and i was older. one thing i thought was remarkable was that he had a variety of unusual trees and berry bushes, he took the time to repaint the lables and mow around the trees and bushes like any other backyard or park. i'm not sure exactly of the spelling and i'm sure i don't remember them all but there were: apple,persimums,grape,gooseberry,locust(male,female),a variety of evergreen trees and bushes,plum,sassy frass,holly,etc. he also had a museum, located on the second floor of his garage, with thousands of (flint)arrowheads,stone tools(indian), antique guns(some from the civil war),an old crank phone(that would shock the crap out of you when you would hold some wires and someone would turn the crank), a samuri sword, one of those things i'm not sure the name of that a bull fighter sticks in that back of the bull towards the end of the fight),an abe lincoln type of top hat,ww1 german army helmet,etc. he also did things like made his own maple syrup(he actually had a maple syrup camp,a boiler, and a small building in my aunt's wood's"aunt jane,one of grandpa's daughter's who had the farm next door to grandpa's." all of the relatives would gather together and we would butcher hogs, now that's a wild memory, brad, bruce and i together with my cousin mike(butch), eating cracklins' and throwing hog parts(kidneys), in the fire, i can still picture aunt janie cleaning the hog guts preparing them for sausage. grandpa also hung hams and smoked them, he had a smoke house especially for this. grandpa had a huge garden, one with vegetables and one entirely sweet corn we later cut off with knives and froze. as i wrote before grandpa died in 70 or 71, it must have been in 1970 i think i was in 8th grade, he's buried at the zion church cemetary that's off st.rt.13 near thornville. i didn't really know grandma i'm sure she was really a nice person all i really know is she was always old(or at least it seemed that way to me), in later years she always smelled like ben-gay. when i was younger she always had or left food on the table covered with a white cloth, and believe it or not it didn't spoil not even her homemade butter that was always soft and good. the one thing i know of her is that she was also a teacher but she quit teaching before i entered the scene.anyway that's about all i can remember about them, i know this really isn't about them but in 1969 brad,bruce, and maybe mike brown and i were out on gramps and grandma's front porch where they had a swing and we brought a portable tv out and watched the moonlanding. oh! i almost forgot, uncle loy was grandpa's brother that lived with them i really don't know much about him other than he was nice and quiet and to me he was always old, he was in wwI, but i don't think he ever left the usa, the war was over when he was in boot camp, he always had a carton of kent cigarette's on the front seat of his car, he had a brick outhouse in the backyard at my grandparents home"his bowel movements must have been pretty rank," i would see him in the evenings at times sitting on a bench in front of the thornville drug store with a buddy or two,"i wonder if they were gay?" not really he had an old girlfriend he would see and at times bring to my grand parents, maybe he was bi? not really. he ended up in a resthome in newark and died in the 1980's, my grandparent's would visit him practicully daily and even i went a few times. grandpa and grandma and i'm not positive but i imagine uncle loy is too, buried at the zion church cemetary along with my grandparents(jerry&carrie)i also have several relatives there, i'd like to be laid to rest in the backyard, just put me in a trash bag.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


grandpa never really liked the name jeremiah, everyone just called him jerry. he was born somewhere around logan,ohio in 1913, from what he's said and what i heard his father was mean as a snake, spending the majority of his money on whiskey,gambling, and women. his father wesley inherited 22,ooo.oo dollars in 1919 when grandpa's mother died from the flu. wesley wasted that money and married a woman with six children, so along with his eight the mouths to be fed including grandpa was now 16. grandpa left home at the age of 17 and married my grandmother around 1931, grandpa and grandma had my father in 1935 and my aunt elizabeth ann in 1937, before and during he was building up his business the thornville elevator a local grain elevator and feed store. my grandmother was a very stick woman but would do anything for you, grandpa used to say "she's tighter than the bark on a tree," and she probably was, but she had a big heart. sometime in the 1960's grandpa bought the local hardware store located in thornville making my father manager of the elevator and grandpa manager of the hardware. in 1964 or 65 grandpa gave my dad money for the down payment on a new home in thornville (80 lakeview dr.) i'm not sure but i wouldn't doubt it, my aunt annie also had a home their. grandpa was always doing things like that, school board "local and county," lions club, masons,church(united church of christ). he seemed to always be giving but first to his family. as a smaller child we used to go on fishing vacations in canada grandpa, grandma, and myself,mom,dad, and the entire family and at times ann and her family. one memory i have is on the way home from elementary school in thornville my brothers and i would stop by the hardware and bum a quarter for candy or a hostess fruit pie. after high school my brothers brad and bruce went to college, betsy became a nurse, barbie moved off and married, and i "at least before my accident," worked at the elevator. grandpa seemed to be the most generous guy, he was always helping family monetarily, he even helped this one old drifter(bum), they called him picalo pete. grandpa,besides giving him money, he would allow him to stay in the basement of the elevator in the winter,"at times at least." grandpa and grandma were constantly fighting, or grandma was, she was stubborn as a mule, but grandpa loved her, they were sort of like jackie gleason was on the honeymooner's, they would argue but make up in the end and grandma was always "right." now i'm older grandpa died in 2006 grandma in 2001, i'm the next grandpa blackstone but i'll never be grandpa.

Friday, May 1, 2009

sara emily blackstone

gini and my number 2 child, a beautiful baby and child, frustrated by the amount of work she has at school but an excellent student, thank god she takes after her mother in the physical beauty department, but she's got my feet.

brent hamilton blackstone pg7

when gini,aaron and i were living in thornville in the mid 1980's to 1994 it was alright but it was beginning to change, then was when it was more noticable that the elderly resident's were dying off and the "granville-esk","stick in the butt" element was starting to occur. i can handle change but come in 1994 was when gini,aaron and i moved to gini's families farm, her great grandfather had built the home and the barn, the house was alright but it did require quite a lot of work. my wife's father milks cows, and maybe or probably it's because of his age but he's a horrible farmer, but i help where i can.i've always enjoyed bailing hay, even as a small child when still in school i bailed for various farmers in and around thornville, farming is hot, often dirty work, that really doesn't pay very well but i love it,at times.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

brent hamilton blackstone pg6

for several years all i really did was exercise and party(this was after becoming disabled), i did attempt going back to osu(newark) for awhile but the walking was pretty difficult, i soon tired of it. i think it was in 1982 brad(back from portugal), brad's girlfriend, luisa, and i rented an apartment at forest hills just outside of newark, it was alright i spent a great deal of time partying, i definitely wasn't a very good handicapper unemployed dude. i lived with brad and luisa till the spring of 1983 then i finally got a job at the licking county board on mental retardation and developmental disabilities and moved into an apartment in newark. the job was as a resident advisor at a group home taking care of a group of retarded guys, physically it was easy, but really not my cup of tea. later i met gini fell in love and got married, 9 months later aaron michael jeremiah was born, i was there for his birth and i swear when he arrived he smiled at me, no kidding. several weeks later mom said we could move into the house in foster manor in thornville, so we did. i quit the group home job and became a full time dad, i soon was required(because of my disability), to retake the driving test, because of my double vision i failed. home life was good, we didn't have much money, but we seemed to make it. in the early 1990's dad died of cancer while living in florida. i failed to mention that my mom and dad divorced in 1984,i really don't know exactly why but at the time my mom became mentally unstable, in the end she did end up with the house and i ended up back in thornville.i've always loved thornville, at least the way it used to be, when it was more of a farming community with the elevator and hardware and older folks who at one time were farmers, now the elevator has been sold and bulldozed out of existence the hardware is still around but who knows what it is this week, all the older folks have died off and thornville has become a stick in the butt Granville(hoity toity),but i guess you can't stop change.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

late april

winter is over ,"already" it's extremely hot, but it's better than cold,snow,ice,and burning wood, i guess

Saturday, April 25, 2009

day to day

it's about as clear as mud

Friday, April 24, 2009

brent hamilton blackstone pg.5

after graduation i tried continuing my education at osu(newark) and cotc(newark), i didn't do very well at either school, my grades weren't really all that bad but i had absolutely know interest so i quit and moved to columbus where brad and several of his friends and me rented an apartment, brad and his friends were going to school at osu, i was partying, working at a store called the union, and growing up,i was 19.after my short stay in columbus it was back to mom and dad's in thornville, working at the elevator or at the quaker state gas station in thornville , and dating linda hommrich. in 1977 linda and i got married at a church in thornville, brad and his girlfriend jane edskowski were the only people we had invited, we had an apartment in newark and for the moment everything seemed fine. we both were working linda for state farm and me at the elevator, money didn't seem to be much of a problem since in 1977-8 the cost of living wasn't quite as bad and we didn't have kids. in the spring of 1979 linda and i went with friends bob and kathie bevard on vacation in florida we drove down in bevard's van, everything seemed fine then on the way back to ohio the feelings changed, even though it's been years now(30) i can still remember that strange feeling, i can't put it in words but it was sick. days later linda informed me she wanted a divorce and i was crushed. so once again i moved back to thornville partying and being bad friend dan"ernie"shade and i cosumed mass quantities of beer and did a huge amount of partying but we did find time to play tennis, and despite everything else we weren't half bad, but we were young and dumb, ernie was married and had a child he was a construction worker and i worked at the elevator,lived at home, so it seemed we had plenty of money, oh i failed to mention i had a new 1978 jeep renegade.then the evening of sept.9th came, i was at the hole in the wall bar in somerset, somerset was down the road 11 or 12 miles south of thornville, at the hole in the wall i drank like i had never drank before, beer and wild turkey(whiskey), the next thing i remember is wakeing up 3 weeks later, from what i've been told i wrecked(totaled) my jeep about 2 miles from home. maybe an animal dashed in front of the jeep, maybe i passed out, i probably passed. any way i was in the hospital. i later found out they had put me in a drug induced coma, and gave me a 4% chance of survival. i remember thinking i could still walk so i got up to use the restroom and down i went. it was probably the drugs they had me on but everything seemed unreal. i spent 2 months in university hospital and 2 months in dodd hall a rehab. hospital. while in the hospital i lost quite abit of weight i went from 170 to 140.i've always liked food so when i arrived home from the hospital i ate and ate, and i was thin and weak so i spent quite a bit of time exercising and eating, for three months besides everything else i was doing at least 500 pushups a day. at that time i think brad was in portugal, and bruce was still in college, betsy was at home and barbie was at home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

today III

and tomorrow insta-summer in the 80's


so now i'm 52 getting up there i guess and i probably should be more concerned with health issues especially since cancer seems to run in the family. just recently i went to the dr. and had my prostate checked, along with blood, the prostate is always a thrilling experience, you can be sure brent would never had made it in prison, but then who knows maybe it's something that you could learn to love like an ugly puppy. but i'm 52 and you know what they say, you can't teach old dogs new tricks. it's not that i'm ready for the "HOME" or anything or the eternal resting place, just don't touch me there. i also went to the dr.(dermotologist) to see about a unusual growth on my head, my sister betsy who is a nurse suggested the visit and my mother and for my own peace of mind i thought it would be wise. at the dr. i discovered it was only an old age barnacle not cancer a barnacle. in some sick, vain way i sort of would have perferred it to be cancer,"non-fatal." anything but an old age barnacle.

Monday, April 20, 2009

aaron and sara emily

first of all if you're reading this i must be dead? i hope i'm dead or i'd be really embarassed. so hi! how are ya? i just want you to know i love you, very much, really

Sunday, April 19, 2009


i really don't care for anything being awesome, i didn't really care for groovey so why can't it just be ok? eg. that shirt is awesome,narely,radical,bitchin,cool,groovey,swell,ok. it's only a word,but it's not awesome

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

brent hamilton blackstone pg4

it was 1965 when we moved into the  home in foster manor, or was it 1966 i'm really not sure but things were alright, brad, bruce and i slept in the basement but it was finished to resemble another floor of the ranch home, mom eventually went back to school for her degree in teaching, dad took up flying homing pigeon's as a hobby, barbie was still a baby, and it was the weird sixties with the vietnam war,hippies, and bell bottoms. when we moved we were still sort of young but in several years we discovered girls, cars, marijuana, beer, and a new type of fun.brad,bruce, and our friends were constantly playing football,baseball, and basketball and some of us were really good but i guess no one was really that good, but we did have our individual moments of greatness. if only we would have devoted all that time to something like the piano or guitar, but i suppose it doesn't really matter,no matter what it would be first you need the natural ability. junior high school was quite a time it started out with my brother(brad), ans several friends and me going to the ohio state fair with the intention of seeing the james gang featuring joe walsh this would have been 1971 and the long hairs were thick and we were just young and all eager to be cool dudes, i don't remember ever actually seeing the james gang but i was definately tired for my first day of 7th grade. junior high was held at glenford, east of thornville approximately 7 miles the building it was held in was once glenford's high school and was really in need of demolition, the boys locker room actually had a dirt floor,"it was disgusting," the music room/industrial arts room wasn't any better, but it was 7th grade and everyday was new, sort of. in 7th grade i had my first taste of rejection, i can still remember the feeling of not making the basketball team it really hurt. i also began to discover girls in 7th grade. in 8th grade we were the first class in the new jr. high building, the building was located next to the high school between somerset,glenford, and thornville. it was in the 8th grade that the hormones went bezerk, it was where i also met "ERNIE."ernie was a strange kid not a very good athlete but fair to poor not a good student, and not very good looking, but he was sort of fun to be around and always eager to party. in athletic's i grew some between 7th and 8th grade so i developed into a good football player a fair basketball player, and a fairly fast track runner and high jumper. high school was quite an experience the discovery of girls was fabulous, at that age my hormones were going a little more than berserk. my friends and i were now experimenting with drugs and alcohol, nothing serious but on occasion. in school i had above average grades but i always enjoyed blue collar jobs like farming, working at the elevator,etc. in fact during my years in high school i had jobs at the elevator and at bob cooperrider's farm and driving a grain truck, so i always seemed to have a little money for a six pack or a bag of pot. the summer after my sophamore year i along with some friends were out partying one saturday night and while driving through thornville the police stopped us i was setting in the back of pat hunt's father's van stoned, the van pulled over in front of the lutheran church on rt.204, i must have crushed the girls(nan kelber,kathy montel?) who were sitting in the front seat with pat hunt driving, but i was frantic. after getting out of the van i ran and i was scared, i out ran one of thornville's deputies, all i can remember is my heart beating, i later found out the deputies thought i was jim walser's older brother donald which i felt was a compliment because of his speed.when i arrived home i hurriedly took my clothes off and hopped into bed as though nothing had happened, i woke brad up who was sleeping in the bed beside mine and he asked me why i was breathing so hard? i really don't remember exactly what i said. i was really scared what my mother and father would say, it just so happened that when this occured my father was mayor of thornville and they had left brad and me at home while they were in canada on a fishing vacation,"i wonder if they caught any?" the court of perry county didn't charge me with anything but i was kicked off the football team for my junior year of high school, and thank god my mother or father never really said much about it. i failed to mention all the passengers in the "big bust," brian jones,brian cooperider, charlie billings, some guy they called moondog(it was the early 70's), pat hunt,nan kelber,kathy montel,lisa van sickel?

it was really exciting but at the time i was scared shitless.

Friday, April 10, 2009

brent hamilton blackstone pg3

after the pink house located near buckeye lake in central ohio it was off to wilmington,ohio where my father got a better paying job at landmark feeds, landmark had huge concrete silo's for grain storage i remember setting on top of one 4th of july to watch the firework's the silo's were 100 ft high, and the fire works were great. it was in the mid sixties when we lived in wilmington and i was confused by the reaction the spencer girls had with the Beatles, the spencer girls,"at least some of them," were teenagers and absolutely nuts about the beatles"they had a large family." brad and some neighborhood kids and myself,"when not in school," would spend our time riding bikes and playing."in 1964 while we were still living in the pink house on a sunday night after returning from grandpa and grandma elder's we watched the Beatles's for their first appearance in the usa on ed sullivan," and as i remember even as a small child i was impressed by the sound. it was in wilmington that i had my first experience with organized athletics i was on a little league team i remembered being afraid a hit ball would smash my face while attempting to catch it, and the thrill of getting a hit. while in wilmington i started the second grade, i didn't do all that great and of course brad got straight A's, so brad if you're reading this "bite me." my father must have been doing fairly well at landmark because christmas seemed better, it seemed as though we recieved more better quality toys. i don't remember the exact date but grampa blackstone picked mom,brad,bruce,betsy and myself up one day and off we went to live in thornville at grandma and grandpa's. i was still in second grade but now i was back at thornville elementary and my aunt was my teacher,the divorced mrs. brown. mrs. brown(aunt annie) was and is a beautiful woman, i always thought it was cool that she was my aunt, and my teacher, she was also my son's kindergarten teacher when he went to thornville elementary, since then they've torn the building down and built a new, modern building, besides my son and myself, brad,bruce,betsy,barbie, my dad and grandmother attended thornville. staying with my grandparents was quite an experience i loved every moment, walser's lived next door and we played "at times," in a empty lot that separated the homes, jim walser was my age, always a "big dude," and a good athlete, he had an older brother and two older sister's, i remember once jim was talking about "the beatles," and i was thinking the entire time he was talking about insect beatles, but i was only in 2nd grade. after several months mom and dad eventually did get back together and my younger sister barbie came along and my parents had the house built in foster manor, still in thornville but at the time on the edge of town.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


she wasn't very pretty, not ugly but not pretty. but oh how that girl could dance, and it didn't matter which or what dance she loved them all square dance,the jitter-bug,flamingo she loved them all. she loved to dance but it was diffacult for her to find a partner, number one she wasn't very pretty, and the wooden leg made finding a partner challenging at times.

brent hamilton blackstone pg1

i was born september 12,1956 in Wichita falls, texas so i have no memories of texas, i'm really not even sure of the time i spent their? a year, maybe two? my first memory was when my mother,father, brother brad and myself were living at a house i think my grandfather(jerry) owned at point beautiful on buckeye lake and around 1or 2 miles from thornville, and 1 mile from the thornville elevator where my father worked. i really don't have any memories of the time i spent at the point beautiful home other than being bathed in a wash tub and my brother brad yanking me out of buckeye lake when i somehow found myself in over my head, brad was probably 3 or 4 and i would have been 2 or 3, to young for the boys to be playing baywatch.                               next we moved to washington courthouse where my father was employed by another grain elevator "red rose feeds." brad was in kindergarten and i was just beginning to have memories.             i remember mom cooking or rather frying egg-plant for supper one night and i didnt like it very well which was quite unusual for me because normally i'd eat practically anything, i  also have memories of the house being very large and having my mother wipe my butt, which by the way is embarrassing. i also remember walking into an elderly neighbor ladies home and swiping her candies that later mom made me apologize for. and that's about it except for picking out a cheap toy at the dentist office, and there was a time when grandpa jerry stayed a day or two with us when he and grandma were fighting, which was normal for them.


and if they didn't have any television              we'd have more time to discuss what's really on our mind but there is so i'll keep quiet so would you stop looking like i took the last piece of pie i've got better things to do, what?

Sunday, April 5, 2009


i woke up this morning, and like every other morning, lately, i crawled to the floor. time has pulled a cruel trick on me. i hurt all over, hair's springing up all over except where you want it too, there's something not quite right with my prostate even though i recently had it checked,"and what a thrill." so although i'm just 52 and not quite ready for the bone pile i can safely say getting old sucks. 

Saturday, April 4, 2009


it's chilly but at least winter's almost gone. it seemed to be a long winter and it seems that winter's are much more enjoyable when you're younger, so i envy anyone who doesn't have to put up with snow,ice and the bone chilling tempatures of winter like my brother brad who lives in singapore where it's warm all year, so brad "bite me."

today II

it's a beautiful day, on the edge of spring so it's chilly in the morning 34degrees.                                    

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

april fools day

it was always easy to remember scott hunt's birthday because scott's and grandma elder are both on april 1st, your shoes untied

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


working all summer for new school clothes but staying just the same

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


i was much better looking yesterday          

suave II

broken mirrors at 21-35

Monday, March 23, 2009

black like me

in 2009 i injected myself with black ink hopeing to improve my dance skills but bummer no luck
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

no mo snow

it's march 22nd and it's going on spring, it's sunny things are greening up but it's still chilly at night.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


the pink house at edgewater beach that was known as "the pink house" is now  white but there's already a white house?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

we're out of gravy

it goes with anything, over everything        but it'll leave a nasty stain

feed phase

from early on i enjoyed eating, one of my first childhood memories was eating mine and all my brothers and sister's leftover fat and food they didn't finish. for the majority of my life it didn't seem to effect me, not when i was younger because of the activities at school, not when i was involved in an automobile accident and i came home at 140lbs. and ate and excercised until i swelled up to a hefty 210lbs. i eventually lost alot of that weight and spent nearly 30 years at or around 175lbs. now i'm 52 and i quit smoking, i thought food couldn't taste any better but i guess i was wrong.

Friday, March 13, 2009

can't we all just get along

it would be so easy and inexpensive


knee deep, and all the shoes are the wrong size

Saturday, March 7, 2009


march 7,'09: it seems especially  gray this time of the year, the snow has melted but i'm sure there will be more before spring is permanent.                    pres. obama is attempting to get universal healthcare passed, if he does that will be great.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


aaron & stephanie while in calif. informed gini and me of stephanie's pregnancy, pres. obama is trying to repair the u.s. economy and announced the u.s. will be getting out of iraq in 2010, aaron will be going to afghanistan in 2010,i'm 52, gini's 43 or 44?

nov.4,2010:aaron and stephanie had a boy(shawn), he turned 1 this year, obama is on the shit-list, i still think he's trying but it will take time to repair the economy, we're in the process of leaving iraq,aaron went to afghan. and is back in 2010 gini's now 45

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



shortly after inauguration(within 1 month), pres. obama signed a stimlus bill to try and repair the ailling economy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

i thought i saw elvis

he was changeing a tire                                                                                                                               on his mini-van                                                                                                                                              i'm not quite sure,but i think he lost a little weight

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

soul man in the white house

january 20th,2009 obama was sworn in today, if he follows though with his plans he'll be great. personally i like him.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


it's really not all that bad, being disabled and walking around with a cane or crutch. the worst part,"i'd have to say," is the slurred speech, people react in different ways but the majority react as if i was mentally challenged and as far as i'm concerned i'm not. there are some advantages being this way, sometimes people will be weirdly sympothetic, probably not weirdly but overly

Saturday, January 10, 2009

january 2009

it's 29 degrees, some snow is on the ground, the weather report says we should be getting more snow and freezing rain. gini and emmy are still asleep.                                                                                                            i'm 52 years old. growing fat and bald can be cool.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

n nov.or dec.'08 aaron,steph. and hannah where here from vir.beach, hannah was reluctant to set with me being only 2yrs. old, and for some reason the picture is sort of red.
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hair loss

just where do you think you're going?

fish mercury and you

since we last spoke more than one out of the herd has died                                                                                                   daisy                                                                                                                                                                                                   your mother's favorite                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and mine

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