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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Finally!but don’t hold your breath

 August 2022: Finally orange don(who’s in deep legal shit) world of criminality is finally coming to a end. The FBI searched his Florida home(for what I’m not sure?), the State of New York is investigating him where he pleaded the fifth countless times even though he! has stated only the MOB! Uses the fifth! He’s still in deep legal shit in Georgia for attempting to steal votes(over 11,000). Back in the 1990’s he was accused of RAPE! In New York. He has that to look forward to. As orange don, king ,of orange lying shit once said,”when you’re a star you can grab them anywhere”)

     The funny thing is some of us have known  don is orange fucking lying/shit for years although I did vote for him(I must have been high?)

August 23,2022

It’s been said that orange don will spend the remainder of his life in court! Which is exactly what the orange piece of corrupt,lying, cheating shit deserves and more!

October 21,2022

Don’s in deep shit!lol!

Daily don’s been in court and other than F’ing over his cult members for money he’s in deep sh t and will be for years!(he’s reaping what he’s sown!) SHIT!

Can you just imagine he’s been screwing anyone for money for at least 70 ? Years! And finally “Justice”

Just a spoiled f’ing rich kid that’s  never been held accountable(and he’s orange, and lies like he breaths)

June 30,2023: it’s hard to believe the orange piece of trash is still free, but he is ,he’s a billionaire.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ballad of a orange piece of shit

        6/15/2022 and the January 6,2021 investigation is going on to find out what anyone with half a brain already knows the orange lying piece of sh t Donald trump is guilty as fuck for inciting a insurrection at the U.S. capital.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Orange don dead Americans

 917,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don lying virus inaction. Orange don found out about Covid-19 in early 2020 yet chose to down play it’s ease of transmission because of the upcoming presidential election which he would attempt to steal.

935,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction 2/22/2022

943,000+ Orange don dead Americans from orange don’s F’ing lying virus inaction 2/25/2022

953,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don lying virus inaction 3/3/2022 it’s hard to believe orange don isn’t in jail yet? It just goes to show you money is king but come on!

965,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction 3/17/2022. Uncomprehendingly fuck-head trump is still free? And between Russia and ukrain fighting in Russia’s illigal war shit for brains Trump takes Russia’s side? 

Further proof of trumps fuck headed-ness

970,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction 3/19/2022. Don’t forget that in early 2020 orange don learned of coronavirus ease in transmission and he earlier fired the Medical team(that keep citizens safe) further proof of terminal orange shit for brains.

975,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying inaction 3/26/2022.

After orange donnie t. Everything turned to orange shit! 

978,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction 3/31/2022 orange don is a fucking waste liar and cheater! And in the end I pray he’ll end up incarcerated for LIFE with several hundred extra  years!

979,000+ orange dick-head donnie dead Americans 4/1/2022

It’s hard to believe the orange fucking lying,cheat is still free(hopefully not much longer)

980,000+: orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction 4/2/2022

984,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange lying virus inaction  4/10/2022 orange don is still a free man hopefully not for łong(but I’ve said this before)

990,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don lying virus inaction. 4/26/2022 990,000+ dead Americans and that orange lying mother fucker isn’t in jail yet?

1,000,000+ orange don dead Americans from orange don’s lying virus inaction 5/9/2022 and that mother f ucking lying orange cock-sucker isn’t in jail yet?

1,000,000.01+ orange don dead Americans from orange don’s lying virus inaction 6/7/22

Orange don orange lying king of lying orange shit!

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